Bir taraftan israfı önleyerek, gezegenin önemli sorunlarından birine çözüm olmaya çalışırken; diğer taraftan insanların temel ihtiyaçlarına adil ve eşit şekilde ulaşabilmesi için çalışmalar yürüten ve kâr amacı gütmeyen bir sivil toplum kuruluşuyuz.

Since our establishment in 2010, we have been combating waste and poverty, expanding our activities throughout Turkey with an understanding that food banking is an important tool for fighting against hunger and poverty worldwide. We ensure that surplus food, clean products and clothing rescued from waste reach families living at or below the poverty line through the shelves of Food Banks we support. At this stage, we provide support to those in need through our Food Banking Network spread across 7 regions of Turkey. As a founding member of the Disaster Platform, we also conduct humanitarian aid operations for those affected by disasters.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to which we contribute with our activities



We keep records of all our activities and the donations we receive and distribute, and we regularly inform all stakeholders through transparent reporting.


We focus on need-based assistance and employment without aligning with any particular views, and without discriminating based on race, language, religion, gender, nationality, age, origin, marital status, disability, or sexual orientation. We adhere strictly to objective criteria to ensure that donations reach the truly needy in a healthy and fair manner, conducting monitoring, evaluation, and assessment activities..


We plan all of our activities for the beneficiaries’ best interest and motivate them to achieve their own economic sustainability. We design our projects as a living structure; evolving and disseminating their impact to wider audiences. We ensure TIDER’s economic sustainability by both creating benefits and generating income through social enterprises opened by our economic enterprise..


In 2010, we began our activities under the name Food Banking Association with 9 founding members who worked in the food sector and believed that food banking is an important tool in fighting against hunger and poverty. We shared our knowledge and experiences about food banking with newly established food banks and supported these organizations with donations.

From the early days of our establishment, we made a significant contribution to disaster areas with the donations we received from our supporters. We also carried out development projects in disaster areas during the post-disaster era.

In 2014, recognizing that being able to work in jobs suitable for their competencies and talents is one of the basic needs of individuals, we added employment and development projects to our activities and changed our name to Basic Needs Association. With our “Support Human Resources” program, we started to provide vocational training programs and facilitate the employment process of those in need.

With the same vision, we also work on development projects prioritizing the economic and social empowerment of women in disadvantaged areas and conduct local projects on preventing child poverty.

In 2015, with the aim of spreading the “market” format, which we believe is the ideal application of food banking, we established our first food bank under the name of Support Market. The Support Market, established in Maltepe, Istanbul, was transferred to Maltepe Municipality in 2017 as it was desired to be supported by the local governor. Maltepe Support Market is the first of its kind as a food bank in a market format in Turkey.

In 2017, we were accepted as a member of the Global FoodBanking Network (GFN), which is the world’s largest food banking network. As the only representative of GFN in Turkey, we also adopt international know-how and experience to our local food banking network applications.

AB Sivil Toplum Sektörü II. Dönem Hibe Programınca desteklenen “Türkiye’de Gıda Bankacılığının Kapasitesinin Geliştirilmesi” başlıklı projemiz kapsamında 2019 – 2020 yılları arasında gıda bankacılığı sistemini anlatma ve yayma şansı bulduk ve 11 şehirde 12 gıda bankası açılmasını sağladık.

İlkini 2019’un Şubat ayında gerçekleştirdiğimiz Gıda Bankacılığı Zirvesi, Türkiye’de konusunda uzman kişi ve kuruluşları bir araya getirmesi adına, Gıda Bankacılığı çalışmalarına büyük katkı sağlamıştır. Geleneksel olarak düzenlenen zirve Türkiye’de Gıda Bankacılığı adına atılan adımların en önemlilerinden biri olma özelliğini taşıyor.
Kurulduğumuz ilk günden beri hedefimiz, Türkiye’de Gıda Bankacılığı sistemini yaygınlaştırmak. 7 ana bölgeye ulaşarak oluşturduğumuz ve genişletmeye devam ettiğimiz Türkiye Gıda Bankacılığı Ağı ile faaliyetlerimizi sürdürüyoruz.

20 Ocak 2020’de meydana gelen, Elazığ depreminin ardından ilgili sivil toplum kuruluşlarının ve paydaşların bir araya gelmesiyle oluşan bir sivil toplum ağı olan Afet Platformu’nun kurucu üyelerinden biriyiz. Detaylı bilgi için: www.afetplatformu.org.tr